Johnathon Selstad

Results 60 comments of Johnathon Selstad

Would it make sense for the authors to pile into this issue (or PR?) and state the license if it's missing (for a central licensing file)? For what it's worth,...

@elalish Apologies for the delay, I just re-added [the decompose from the prior PR]( so the `cameraVR`'s position/rotation/scale should be synced with its _own_ matrix. However, given that the `cameraVR`...

I've got a cool three.js OpenXR demo waiting in the wings that could use this PR... ![LeapShape Cylinders]( ![LeapShape Hollowing]( Note that scene locomotion works by parenting the camera to...

I suspect it's waiting for an example or test that would break (in the case that this functionality gets broken again at some point in the future...)

For what it's worth: adding `--disable-features=XRSandbox` to my Chrome shortcut allows me to use AFrame's VR Examples in SteamVR on my Oculus CV1 with the latest Stable Chrome (89). No...

He also poked Joe about it on the SteamVR forum :

@erichlof PR's Here if you're curious: If there were UV-mapped Mesh objects underlying your path tracing, then two simple modifications would connect these two techniques together: - Instead of...

By my estimation, it doesn't make much sense to integrate the two unless the useful parts we want from the path tracer are entirely mesh-based. Do you feel that your...

By sending your message in the `OnOpen()` event, you can avoid this issue entirely. ```csharp websocket.OnOpen += () => { websocket.Send(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hello")); }; async websocket.Connect(); ```

@mxstbr Just bumping this in-case your notifications weren't going through.