Johnathon Selstad

Results 19 issues of Johnathon Selstad

@hoffstadt Fixes this error in VS2019's compiler: ```C:\Repositories\DearPy3D\DearPy3D\renderer\mvGraphics.cpp(282,38): error C2440: '=': cannot convert from 'nullptr' to 'VkPipelineCache'``` VS2019 appears to be complaining about `nullptr` because `VkPipelineCache` is typedef'd from a...

Fixed #23597. Fixed #22884. This PR fixes a bug introduced in r130 by reverting how XR Camera calculations handle local space (by partially undoing #21964 (which appears to conflate `matrixWorld`...

**THIS PR IS A WORK IN PROGRESS; SOME FUNCTIONALITY IS BROKEN** This branch-in-progress uses the newer `embind` version from the [opencascade.js repo]( The Embind refactor has a number of Pros...


This PR properly transpiles the editor code from typescript back to javascript, allowing for inline type specification and increased usability/robustness. This PR also adds support for importing libraries from external...


Replace `microrouter` with Zeit 2.0's new `api` routing system. This new system is currently being used for

This PR updates `geometry-processing-js` to use the ES6 Module Syntax. ES6 Modules offer several notable benefits. They - Eliminate the redundant `node` codebase by unifying both Browser and Node implementations...

@ViktorM While [writing a MuJoCo-Viewer Renderer for DiffRL](, I noticed that initialization velocities appear to scale the farther out an actor is from the origin. This behavior appears to occur...

@rossimo A few ideas that might help this to feel really polished :-) 1. Ideally there's an option for the bot to edit the original message rather than append a...

The fit function might require a library, but it will be tighter and the projection function is the same (just a series of plane constraints). Also, just wanted to say...

**Description** Motion Blur is a subtle visual flourish that can provide an extra level of professionalism to educational animations. As a code-first animation system with a seekable timeline, Motion Canvas...
