Johnathon Selstad

Results 60 comments of Johnathon Selstad

Alternatively, you can try to anneal through the non-convexities by doing a few iterations with the rotation-limits disabled (allowing joints to rotate past their limits). Then, a few more iterations...

The major issue with FABRIK is that it can not implicitly support hinge joints (since the positions of the joints cannot encode twist by themselves). Generally, I find CCDIK to...

While I can't comment on the data-structure-side of the architecture, I'd vote for the "solve" method to just have arguments for which technique, how many iterations, and perhaps a bitmask/enum...

The naive way to implement "pole constraints"/attractors in FABRIK is to simply pull the joints toward the attractor a little bit before doing an IK solve. The joints preserve their...

The wonderful thing about vector math is that it (should) work in any number of dimensions! Word Vector Geometry, anyone?

Earlier Comment (before switching to **Laccer** > Thank you for creating this article and making this topic accessible and beautiful!

Earlier Comments (from before switching to **anon** > this is good **chris** > Thank you! this helped me a lot

Please leave your thoughts, comments, and ideas here!

Earlier Comments (from before switching to utterances): **Prashal Goyal**: > This is amazing! Didn’t understood what the purpose was but it was fun! **IPEG** > The first example code doesn't...

> I’ve checked it into my branch if you’re ever curious. Hi @onehundredfeet , sorry to be a bother, but do you have your version of wasmtime uploaded anywhere? I'd...