
Results 9 issues of Hermione


I see there are some LIO tested on kitti, but I find there are no oxt relevant data in the odometry raw data.

Hi, thank you for your great dataset. I have a question, how can I parse RS-LiDAR32 data? Could please you provide a sample code like this? ``` struct PointXYZIT {...

I have successfully run it about 2 months ago, but today I want try it and find errors: [ERROR] [1648522310.752299538]: Failed to load nodelet [/hdl32e_left/cloud_nodelet] of type [velodyne_pointcloud/CloudNodelet] even after...

is it use imu to improve the initial guess for the optimization problem?

感谢你们开源的工作! 但我有俩问题想请教一下 1. Kaist中的velodyne似乎是不带ring和timestamp的,他给的说明中阐述数据格式是XYZI,请问你们是怎么解决这个问题的?特别是timestamp 2. Kaist中似乎没有直接给GT,请问你们是怎么生成的?是通过vpr-gps和高度计的数据吗? 感谢!

Hi, it's good to see your open code, may I ask how do you deal with the intensity calibration? namely, the physical model is prop to cosi / r. It...