Yuga Sun

Results 13 issues of Yuga Sun

# Description `components publish xxx` command need to support auto updates of version in `serverless.component.yml`, like below: ``` components version patch/minor/major ```

# Description Terminal status can not change when using no code upload component, normally, when run `serverless deploy`, for terminal will output deploy phases, like `Initializing -> Uploading -> Deploying`,...

I found `serverless cli` using [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv) to parse `.env` file, but `dotenv` will convert all variables to `string`, if I config `number` type in `.env` for example `PORT=3306`, then my...


When people using `serverless --debug` command in CI environment, the deploy logs are very messy, like below: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8536173/87916659-548b0400-caa6-11ea-8ce2-370ecafeb185.png) Can you customize deploy logs for CI?

# Bug Report ## Description When we run command `serverless -v` in a project using `component`, it can not show `severless` version, just start deploying project. I found that in...


本地运行需要安装node-sass,file-loader, 建议package.json里面添加node-sass和file-loader依赖

##### Checklist - [x] `npm test` passes - [x] tests and/or benchmarks are included - [ ] documentation is changed or added - [x] commit message follows commit guidelines #####...


首先,非常感谢github上您贡献的 [pinyin-engine](https://github.com/aui/pinyin-engine) 库,最近也在研究学习,但是有个问题,希望您能帮忙解答下,就是:源码中的 `dict-cn.json` 文件是如何生成的,而且 `decode.js` 文件是专门用来解码这个字典json的,这个加密过程是如何实现的?