Yuga Sun

Results 25 comments of Yuga Sun

@myst729 看到博主的这个项目,心中一亮,实在是很棒。当初自己的也是想整这么一套方案,建了项目,却一直没做.......o(╯□╰)o 不知道博主后期会考虑编译输出像hexo生成的静态文件一样,毕竟这样对于SEO会更加友好,而且现在编译输出文件会随着博客增多,项目越来越重,每访问一个页面,需要实时编译markdown,也有性能问题。

After set `auto-install-peers=false`, solve my problem.

After I update pnpm to `7.11.0` and set `auto-install-peers=true`, the issue never came up again.

代码规范相关建议: 1. 建议客户端代码和服务端代码严格遵守 `eslint配置` 校验,现在没有相关校验脚本,我本地尝试 `eslint client/ server/ --quiet` 会有很多错误,添加 `pre-commit` 来进行 `eslint` 校验。 2. 添加 `.editorconfig` 文件。

建议添加项目粒度的接口备份功能。 业务场景是这样的:点击导出项目接口数据,然后可以再次导入该项目接口数据,实现备份还原。

Yeah, we can not append number type to `process.env`, maybe we can append all variables in `.env` as a `JSON` object, then we can parse `${env:xx}` from this json object?

@medikoo It's just an example, the key point is user want to keep the type of variables in .env config.

@eahefnawy Yeah, just like `npm version patch`, it will update `version` in `package.json` automatically.

Yeah, cdn component just help user to config `CDN` and nothing is uploaded.
