Hi @ShubhraSuman there is no open PR for this issue, would you like to work on it?
@samuelfangjw Friendly reminder for review :)
Hi @Serafion, you can start working on the issue.
Hi @AdwitiyaMishra, thanks for your interest! There is a PR for this issue already, please find another issue to work on.
Hi @hoanglan21, thanks for the interest. Seems like all the Feedback*QuestionDetails class already has unit tests, but some of them can be improved further. You can look at the Codecov...
Hi @parthnatu, you can refer to this https://teammates.github.io/teammates/development.html to set up the environment. The high level architecture design is here: https://teammates.github.io/teammates/design.html
@NicolasCwy @xyliew25 friendly reminder for review
@shivamsharma01 The issue is still open, you can work on it
Hi @AdwitiyaMishra there is already a PR for this issue as well
@damithc In addition to what is already done in #11012, do you want to allow instructors to copy from other courses when they are creating new courses? (there is a...