Master Issue: #12271 #16991 ### Motivation Apply Maven Modernizer plugin to enforce we move away from legacy APIs. ### Modifications Add Maven Modernizer plugin in pulsar-broker module and fix violation....
### What issue do you find in Pulsar docs? In `2.10.0` 's release notes: ``` [PIP 106] Broker extensions to provide operators of enterprise-wide clusters better control and flexibility [#12536](
Master issue: #12271 (2022-08-08 branch=master) I scan the broker, found **617** places to change. we need to split them into multiple PRs. ``` - src/main: 176 - src/test: 441 -...
The verify assert is affected by other case in same `@TestFactory`. I debugged and found the `callRecord`, how can i clear this record in testFactory case? # Expected Behavior cases...
when i create new environment, got error: `This environment is error. Please check it` container log: ```log pulsar_1 | 2022-07-19T04:57:04,910+0000 [pulsar-io-31-4] WARN - [/] Got exception io.netty.handler.codec.TooLongFrameException: Adjusted frame...
Master Issue: #12271 #16991 ### Motivation Apply Maven Modernizer plugin to enforce we move away from legacy APIs. ### Modifications - fix violations in pulsar-broker package. ### Verifying this change...
**Local OS (where xxh is installed):** macOS 10.15.7 **Destination host OS:** CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) ## aws ec2 **xxh version:** 0.8.8 **xxh-plugins installed:** xxh-shell-zsh **Steps to Reproduce** 1. I...
1.`res`不放在qq文件夹下会报错 2. `self.locale_message = open('res/message.dat', 'aw')`这行报错:aw`非法
i would prefer not to use a proxy. but i found broker does not have the ingress template. --- for now, i deploy an ingress for broker individually.
how to convert the pth file to onnx?