
Results 11 comments of youzipi

> And they were all listed in the 2.10.0 release note. You can see the PR for Negative acknowledgment backoff in the 'Clients' section. no, the nack PR is not...

@MarvinCai @tisonkun @codelipenghui I will start from `test .. broker/admin`

> /pulsarbot run-failure-checks how to trigger the `canceled` checks? @tisonkun i think this command should work , according to

use the wrong url found this in manager backend log: ```js 2022-07-19 06:49:59.810 INFO 16 --- [http-nio-7750-exec-6] o.a.p.m.s.impl.PulsarAdminServiceImpl : Create Pulsar Admin instance. url=http://pulsar:6650, authPlugin=, authParams=, tlsAllowInsecureConnection=false, tlsTrustCertsFilePath=, tlsEnableHostnameVerification=false 2022-07-19...

> hi! What if you will try to run zsh-bin manually on the target OS: > > ```shell > cd /tmp > tag=v3.0.1 > distfile=zsh-5.8-linux-x86_64 > url="$tag/$distfile.tar.gz" > tarname=`basename $url`...