Yorke Rhodes
Yorke Rhodes
This is a feature in other window manager ecosystems https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/rqjrls/i3gaps_local_man_install_arch_tells_no_one/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/nkxagu/bspwm_i_quite_like_blur/ It looks like this can be implemented in macos fairly easily? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uivibrancyeffect?language=objc https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsvisualeffectview?language=objc I would love to contribute this...
``` 'PromiseOrValue' is declared but never used. ``` with `"@typechain/ethers-v5": "10.1.0"` / `"typechain": "8.1.0"`
Any ideas for how to support notched displays? The process widget is unusable because it gets totally obscured by the notch on my new m1 macbook Having the process and...
### Expected Behavior Rationale for the proxy owning itself is well documented and aligns with existing usage of komenci kit (in Valora). ### Current Behavior Komenci transfers ownership to the...
### Expected Behavior Flakey tests are
### Expected Behavior Shared multisig that distributes permissions across team/community ### Current Behavior Sharing privateKeys or auth to central VMs
### Expected Behavior Ability to integrate easily with contract projects on top of Celo ### Current Behavior Contract developers must redo work in ContractKit/kliento
### Expected Behavior `npm install @celo/release-tools` ### Current Behavior None
### Expected Behavior Have there been solidity security incidents or incidents with contract libraries ### Current Behavior No knowledge
### Expected Behavior Button/runbook for running env tests (ie after proposals) ### Current Behavior No easy way to run env tests