Yonatan Karp-Rudin
Yonatan Karp-Rudin
In the current example of the Visitor patter the `UnitVisitor` described as follow: ```java public interface UnitVisitor { void visitSoldier(Soldier soldier); void visitSergeant(Sergeant sergeant); void visitCommander(Commander commander); } ``` This...
This PR refactors the Prototype pattern by making it `Cloneable` and thus inheriting the `clone()` method to its subclasses which removes code duplications. * Fixes [Prototype pattern re-factor #584](https://github.com/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/issues/584)
As the end of support of JVM 11 would be in exactly 1 year (September 2023) this repository should probably consider moving to the next stable JVM release (JVM 17)...
### Description Add support for publication using the [hashnode API](https://codybontecou.com/programmatically-posting-to-your-favorite-blogs.html#hashnode-api) **Describe the solution you'd like** Allow this action to publish posts to `hashnode` as well as `medium` and `dev.io` **Describe...
I have added the library to my project as follows: ```kotlin dependencies { implementation("io.github.flaxoos:ktor-server-kafka:1.2.9") } ``` and the following installation: ```kotlin fun Application.module() { install(Kafka) { val topicName = named("xkcd.web-comics-fetched.v1")...