Results 19 issues of Yohanan

By "lone" else lines, I mean lines in if statements that only have whitespace and the `else` keyword. They're usually around when there is a multi-line if condition that isn't...

An attempt on fixing what reports. I'm not yet sure if this fully fixes the issue. I'll be testing it more on the following days and will report any...

Before anything, a minimal vimrc: ``` set nocompatible " set runtimepath^=/path/to/zig.vim syntax on filetype plugin indent on ``` And my neovim version: ``` $ nvim --version NVIM v0.4.4 Build type:...

It's good to see an open source fitness app, but I think that it is missing some really essential things. For example, a lot of people doesn't have a computer...

This fixes

Currently [this plugin has]( ```vim setlocal iskeyword=!,$,%,#,*,+,-,.,/,:,,?,_,a-z,A-Z,48-57,128-247,124,126,38,94 ``` I don't think the `.` or the `:` should be in here, since they have special meaning on fennel, not being part...

Single-quoted strings aren't available in fennel (since they are used as a quoting character - `'quoted-symbol`), but they are still highlighted on this plugin's syntax.

Hello again! Before anything, I'd like to thank you for starting this project - it's been pretty fun to use and configure penrose, and it's pretty close to becoming my...


Maybe there could be an indicator on the top bar (where the date, network, weather, battery info etc. are) that could show some tabs for opened programs in t-ui (like...