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The dot and the colon shouldn't be part of iskeyword

Open yohannd1 opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

Currently this plugin has:

setlocal iskeyword=!,$,%,#,*,+,-,.,/,:,<,=,>,?,_,a-z,A-Z,48-57,128-247,124,126,38,94

I don't think the . or the : should be in here, since they have special meaning on fennel, not being part of keyword symbols. This ends up messsing with the word jumping mechanism:

(print some-table.some-field.some-sub-field)
;;     ^ the cursor is here

;; upon pressing `w`:

(print some-table.some-field.some-sub-field)
;;                      the cursor is here ^

And also the completion mechanism:



(my-table+--------------------+ ;; I want my-table, some_field or some_method, not pairs of them!
         |my-table.some_field |

yohannd1 avatar Jun 30 '21 21:06 yohannd1