Results 19 issues of Yohanan

Please create a command like _echo_, but with support to variables like time, device name, wifi, storage etc. %n support could be extremely useful too, as well as alignment.

I think that this could be solved if there was a file logging all applications and T-UI would load them first, and then print on the screen "refreshing apps list"....

Sometimes the applications don't have a good name that is understandable without the icon. If it was able to change the application names (without needing to add shortcuts) it would...

Multiple limited loops in the macro values (like in BambooTracker). `[ v ] a` : means value `v` for `a` cycles, a.k.a. `v` for `a` times `[ v1 v2 v3...


Let's say I have a task folder in `~/_sample_data`. The output of `unset TASKRC; task` is (removing the "configuration override" notes): ``` ID Age Tag Description Urg 2 5min...

Since is already using inner structs to express subcommands, I was thinking of something like: ```zig const expect = @import("std").testing.expect; const ap = @import("args.zig"); _ = try ap.parse(struct {...

Note: I'm making some assumptions about the language - specially about the grammar. I've read part of the grammar but I'm not very confident on if I understood it well,...


*NOTE: This issue is still being developed. Feel free to add more ideas here!* ## Project Description An "ultimate" productivity application that unites the most known productivity systems *(I think...

Much work

I'm trying to build the package on the AUR (package `opn2bankeditor-git`), and I've been having this error: ``` /home/yohanan/.cache/paru/clone/opn2bankeditor-git/src/OPN2BankEditor/src/delay_analysis.cpp: In member function ‘virtual double DelayAnalysisDialog::PlotData::y(double) const’: /home/yohanan/.cache/paru/clone/opn2bankeditor-git/src/OPN2BankEditor/src/delay_analysis.cpp:250:15: error: cannot declare...
