Yoann Moinet

Results 11 issues of Yoann Moinet

Hi there, I have updated my system to High Sierra a few days ago, and now I can't sign my apps anymore. I've tested everything I could think off: -...

help wanted

### Bug report Once built our CSS file tries to load external assets from `webpack:///mini-css-extract-plugin/`. It happens to fonts that loads with a relative path. But **not** when the font...

I needed specific variables passed to the loader so I could use them directly in my predicates. Here it is, fully tested and documented. I guess it's similar to #12,...

### What and why? This PR redesigns how this plugin is implemented to facilitate the composition we'll need to do later on. ### How? We move to a packages approach...

### What and why? Root stacked PR for updating the library into a better composable design. This initial PR is including some cleaning and updates. It will then be home...

### What and why? ### How?

With these changes `nvmw use [iojs|node]` will persist in system path accross cmd's sessions. As quickly discussed in #42. Here are the steps : - clean path from special characters...

I don't know if I have a misconfiguration or missing something, but I had to run `nvmw use iojs` or `node` each time my cmd is opened. Or else I...

### What and why? ### How?

### What and why? We want to use [unplugin](https://unplugin.unjs.io/guide/) in order to easily support more bundlers (in the future). ### How? We've migrated the existing features in a `telemetry` plugin...