Yoann Moinet

Results 28 comments of Yoann Moinet

Just to clarify here, bower/npm support is really different from browserify/es6 modules support. As asked in the initial question. And I would vote :+1: for the bower/npm support (only bower...

Hi @sethlu thank you for your fast answer. I've tested both with electron `1.7.*` and `1.8.1`. Tried to sign single executable as well, exact same result. Right after the High...

I'll try that later today as well, right after the Sierra test. Will report back. That would be weird that the non-ASCII characters is now an issue, since my app...

Removed the `ê` from the previous packaged application, and it signed correctly. I think your link about the new file system is what's happening... god dammit Apple, what did you...

Got it to work. It was indeed `ê`. I copied another `ê` displayed in the Finder, and used it in my app. Apparently, `ê` isn't supported by codesign, but `ê`...

@sethlu awesome stuff. Copying from the Finder is indeed what I did to fix my issue. But how do you see a patch for this? I'm not that fluent in...

I can give a snippet of one of them. Click to expand ```css @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto+Mono:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); @font-face { font-family: 'NotoSans'; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; src: url(webpack:///mini-css-extract-plugin//static/v/33.dev0/js/NotoSans-Regular-webfont-f2ca9b9f576ab78110a5fdd2477950a4.woff2) format('woff2'), url(webpack:///mini-css-extract-plugin//static/v/33.dev0/js/NotoSans-Regular-webfont-d0c801fcdde512010a9541ee88fad273.woff) format('woff'), url(webpack:///mini-css-extract-plugin//static/v/33.dev0/js/NotoSans-Regular-webfont-942475f652bbbabd2d3cce5085020560.ttf) format('truetype');...

> full list of `module.rules` It's not shareable, it's 300+ line of codes, relies on outside functions, and it's private. So I've shared the relevant part, the only rules applied...

> Please add `resourceQuery: { not: [/raw/] }`, for `file-loader` Thanks for the tip. Just to note that it doesn't fix the issue though.

it's supported by [nipplejs](https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#optionslockx-defaults-to-false) (used by dash-daq) out of the box.