Yoann Moinet

Results 28 comments of Yoann Moinet

Is this repository dead or something?

Hello there :wave:. Sorry for the delays, I'm checking this right now. I'm wondering in which context you're using `import * as BuildPlugin from "@datadog/build-plugin"`? Do you have the same...

Couldn't make this workaround work on Android without also having `removeClippedSubviews={false}` explicitly set. It is set [to `true` by default on Android, and `false` on iOS](https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/react-native/flatlist/#removeclippedsubviews).

This would be a really good feature indeed.

Hi there, thanks for this. > I've encountered a problem after using your lib on desktop / mobile. Do you have an example somewhere I could check?

Hi, it seems that [this part](https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs/blob/master/src/nipple.js#L115) hardcode the 50%. But if you had some CSS like this : ```css .nipple .front { width: 20% !important; } ``` The `!important` part...

Just tested it, it's not possible. Since the movement is based on the size of the front element. You'll need to create a new option to set the front part...

Thanks for this, I'll have a look asap.

Hey sorry about that, thanks for the new ping. I'll get to it :D

Published in v0.10.0 Thanks a ton :bow: