
Results 9 issues of data_traveller

Hi, I want to get the probability of each character after decode with CTC(`such as if inferred string is "hello", and each state probability is [0.81, 0.97, 0.87, 0.43, 0.92]`),...

Hi, A fq file is mapped with minimap2 and Winnowmap simultaneously for removing host reads, but Winnowmap is nearly 5 times more reads left than Winnowmap, here is the command:...

Hi, I try to plot genome_location function using command: ``` tombo plot genome_locations --fast5-basedirs fast5_dir \ --genome-locations chr1:17114185 --num-bases 100 \ --pdf-filename plot.r100.pdf ``` then get an error: ``` res...

Hi , I want to resquiggle part of fastq records (because too many of them). I shuffle fastq record first (to make sure sample evenly) and sample a potion from...

I download latest zip file and unzipped. When I run ``, error as below show: ``` ./ line 5: ./ No such file or directory make: *** No targets specified...

Hi, I have a bactieria genome sequencing data set which contains an previous NGS assemblied contigs(raw data missed) and recently nanopore sequencing data, so I want fill gaps of ngs...

I run with -r para, ` --graph out_nano/assembly_graph.gfa -a Flye -r ~/ecoli_genome/Ecoli_K12.fasta` and get an error massage ``` Finish parsing. Running QUAST... No information about contig mappings to the...

Hi, Since genomad database has much more samples, how can I use use genomad maf file instead of 1kg? Thanks.

I want to compare assembly results from three assembly tools 1. I concat three assembly fasta to one; 2. running `intersect_assembly_errors ` with cmd ``` intersect_assembly_errors -r ref.fasta -i ./all_assm.fa...