
Results 5 comments of data_traveller

Hi @marcus1487 , The command I used is ``` seqkit scat -f ./fq_path | seqkit shuffle | seqkit sample -p 0.1 > sample.fq ``` Then I processed as tombo resquiggle...

@morispi Hi, I download 134M zip file and install with another problem `/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lspoa` (Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-135-generic x86_64)), I can not find solution for this one...

@morispi Hi, it seems with the version of ubuntu (no libspoa in ubuntu 18), so I change another device installed ubuntu 20 and install libspoa, no such error again.

@morispi Hi, I meet some problem with `CONSENT-correct` as issue ( cmd: `./CONSENT-correct -j 10 --in ~/data/seq.fq --out ~/data/seq.corr.fa --type ONT` but the input contains no space in header, ![image](

@morispi hi, No corrected reads output, it just crashed and the input is fastq format with qual info lines, I will try some smaller dataset after returning the lab. Thanks