Jim Su

Results 12 issues of Jim Su

## PR Checklist - [x] Addresses an existing open issue: fixes #5536 - [x] That issue was marked as [accepting prs](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22accepting+prs%22) - [x] Steps in [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) were taken ## Overview...

awaiting response
website: playground

It seems to me that the frontend is primarily displaying what OpenDevin is doing to the user for visibility. The actual agent is implemented on the backend. We'll therefore want...

This PR adds a `@monaco-editor/react` code panel. If OpenDevin writes code on the backend, this will serve as as a display only. We might want a WebSocket interface for the...

Based on [this blog post](https://tomhipwell.co/blog/devin/), Devin might be using a new prompting technique such as Self-Discover: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.03620. We might want to consider a similar prompting technique, since Self-Discover seems to...

agent framework

As we add more configuration settings, it's simpler to keep a `.env` configuration file instead of exporting multiple environment variables in the shell. This PR adds a default `MODEL_NAME` environment...

Currently, the OpenDevin planner is not functional. We would like to add this functionality so the user can view what OpenDevin has planned. This should be implemented as a Markdown...


Currently, frontend development requires running the backend. It would be great if we could mock backend responses to some degree. This allows us to test frontend features in isolation. Originally...

good first issue

Currently, OpenDevin's web browser isn't functional. We would like to add web browsing functionality so that OpenDevin can view documentation and other relevant information not stored in its parametric memory....


Fixes https://github.com/OpenDevin/OpenDevin/issues/617 (parent https://github.com/OpenDevin/OpenDevin/issues/603) Settings will only be saved to localStorage when the settings are explicitly changed by the user. Otherwise, the initialization arguments are left blank to respect the...

The `LLM_MODEL` setting defines the default model to use when no other model is selected in the frontend. When first initialized, the frontend needs a model selected in the settings...
