Results 159 comments of yasirkula

I don't have Ionic installed at the moment so I can't verify your screenshot but you just need to delete `android/jniLibs/unity-classes.jar`. No other unity-classes.jar related action is needed.

For me, jniLibs directory was there while browsing the project files in Android mode. Example image: ![screenshot]( I can't remember my Gradle version but despite using `implementation`, there should be...

You don't need steps 2 and 3.

You can try reinstalling the plugin and changing `declare let unityARCaller: any;` to `declare var unityARCaller: any;` but other than that, I don't think I can pinpoint this issue.

I don't have any sample projects, sorry :/

That's new. There are some solutions that pop up when you google `DexArchiveMergerException Unable to merge dex`. Can you give them a try?

Currently, I don't have any clues :/

Can you compile and run the Unity project alone in Xcode (without Ionic integration)?

I'd suggest you to compare your Unity build's Xcode folder structure and "Link Binary With Libraries" section with your final Ionic+Unity Xcode project's ones (especially the Unity group) and see...