Results 159 comments of yasirkula

I've checked some logs and peeked at all occurrences of 'crash' but didn't see anything useful. This issue with A10 devices has been brought to my attention a couple of...

I unfortunately can't think of any other reasons. I find it unlikely that it is something else because otherwise the app would always restart after the first shot, IMHO.

In my previous investigations, I didn't find a way to change that value (oom_score_adj) but can't say with full certainty that there isn't a way. The only reliable way to...

If you can't reproduce this issue at every attempt or after restarting the phone, it is also likely memory issue.

Yeah when it's completely random, it's a good indication that it's a memory issue. Either device has low RAM or the game is consuming too much RAM already.

Although your device has 4 GB RAM, it might be consumed by a lot of other apps and the OS itself. OS might also be preserving some of this 4...

I'm assuming this is my [Image Cropper]( plugin (nice UI retouch BTW). After cropping the Texture retrieved via NativeCamera, you can `Destroy` it (the original Texture) since you no longer...

Reducing maxSize is a good optimization 👍 If your app needs an image cropper, I don't think you should delete it from the project. Does reducing maxSize even further to...

On Android, the path is probably a combination of Application.temporaryCachePath and IMG_camera.jpg: On iOS:

I see. On Android, instead of Application.temporaryCachePath, try this: ```csharp using( AndroidJavaObject unityClass = new AndroidJavaClass( "com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer" ) ) using( AndroidJavaObject context = unityClass.GetStatic( "currentActivity" ) ) { string cachePath...