Davy Duperron

Results 24 comments of Davy Duperron

@EndiM Thanks for the PR! Good catch, I feel a bit guilty because this project definitely needs some updates... I'll merge it and upgrade everything soon 👍.

@praabjerg workaround successfully corrects the issue. Thanks!

Hello. I've recently discovered that the absence of a value and `null` are treated the same way. @dtolnay is there a way to make it somehow more generic (https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/issues/984#issuecomment-314143738)? What...

Another question: is there a way to make that approach recursive without knowing what `a` will be (untyped JSON value)? ```rust println!("{:?}", serde_json::from_str::("{\"a\":{\"b\":null}}").unwrap()); ```

I was playing around with Webpack 5 + esbuild and now I think I'm clearly missing this plugin. The issue is that Webpack is now relying on `import.meta.url` which is...

Hi, Nothing is impossible 😄 to do but the current implementation just uses Babylon and Babel-traverse to parse the source files, to get the AST tree and then the magic...

Since this feature is often requested, I'll have a look at it. Not sure though if the mapping should be provided directly as a flag with arguments or as flag...

@alyahmedaly thanks for the feedback! I've never written any VSCode plugin to be honest. Feel free to contribute!