Davy Duperron

Results 6 issues of Davy Duperron

Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `yarn` dependencies of this project. ![merge advice](https://app.snyk.io/badges/merge-advice/?package_manager=yarn&package_name=lodash&from_version=4.17.15&to_version=4.17.21&pr_id=4a3741a5-98af-40e0-82ad-86648343ed68&visibility=true&has_feature_flag=false) #### Changes included in this PR - Changes to...

Hi @akinsho and thanks for this awesome project 👍️! While playing with the configuration, I noticed a somewhat surprising behavior. Depending on how you order the configuration options, the `direction`...

### Describe the bug Hi, We faced a parser error while trying to use https://github.com/vitejs/vite-plugin-react-swc instead of the default Babel parser from ViteJS. For the record, Babel failed (https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/15990#issuecomment-1729617074) to...

A: ES Parser

This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `yarn` dependencies of...

- Use [simd-json](https://github.com/simd-lite/simd-json) for faster deserialization - Use [mimalloc](https://crates.io/crates/mimalloc) instead of the default system allocator for performance Based on the awesome feedback from @epage [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/12wiao2/comment/jhifibt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ❤️ !

This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `yarn` dependencies of...