
Results 57 issues of Wooster

`ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Dim)` just like `stderr.print("{s}", .{plain.msg})` can fail, so I don't see why we wouldn't handle the former just like the latter. It's an edge case. You can always still...

I really had a lot of attempts at this and I think this might be the best one so far. I think there's still some things to improve but this...

## Before ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35064754/181906521-23dfd9ef-10a1-40f6-a9b5-b23a3d5239ca.png) The "Compile Log Output" currently looks very plain and unconnected to the pretty messages before it with all the colors and stuff. The purpose of this PR...

### Zig Version 0.10.0-dev.2836+2360f8c49 ### Steps to Reproduce ```zig pub fn main() {} ``` ``` TERM=dumb zig run x.zig ``` ### Expected Behavior ``` x.zig:1:15: error: expected return type expression,...


### Zig Version 0.10.0-dev.2836+2360f8c49 ### Steps to Reproduce ```zig const x = [_]bool{ false, true, false, true }; extern fn c() void; export fn b() void { for (x) |y|...


Just a small thing I found I could do. # Before ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35064754/181622620-ef9a3e38-b2b7-4f24-b246-5057803bea92.png) # After ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35064754/181622632-1213ff82-754f-45b7-ba77-7ce3a90defff.png)

Currently when you use Crystal, Ruby or C in carc.in, pressing tab gives you an actual tab. But in Crystal and Ruby you indent with 2 spaces so pressing tab...

help wanted

I think it would be nice to update the steps on https://os.phil-opp.com/minimal-rust-kernel to use the newest version 0.10.1 of the `bootloader` crate which, as of 0.10.0, [no longer uses the...

I would like to indent text with tabs, not spaces. If I press tab, it gives me 4 spaces. How do I use tabs? I want to make a text...

:lion: need discuss
🦋 optimization

I think this would be very convenient.