
Results 58 issues of Wooster

Entering "if" in the search bar in the docs doesn't gives any results. But that's weird because there are definitely some articles about `if`. Like https://crystal-lang.org/docs/syntax_and_semantics/if.html, https://crystal-lang.org/docs/syntax_and_semantics/if_var.html and https://crystal-lang.org/docs/syntax_and_semantics/not.html etc.

It would be great to have a dark theme for the website to spare my eyes in the evening.

UI Enhancement

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feat: ui

### Checklist (issue will be disregarded & closed if incomplete!) - [X] I've **checked both [open and recently closed issues](https://github.com/tetrio/issues/issues?q=is%3Aissue)** to ensure this feature is not already requested. - [X]...

feat: ui
feat: solo
feat: league

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feat: league

### Checklist (issue will be disregarded & closed if incomplete!) - [X] I've **checked both [open and recently closed issues](https://github.com/tetrio/issues/issues?q=is%3Aissue)** to ensure this issue is not already reported. - [X]...


This implements the missing Create Guild endpoint and fixes `Discord::REST#delete_guild` erroring because of the `Guild.from_json(response.body)`. The endpoint actually returns `204 No Content` on success, so nothing in discordcr.

Hello, this library looks pretty good. `Mouse::get_position` returns the mouse's global position anywhere on the screen. How about having a method for getting the mouse's position relative to the window?


On the mobile app of Wire (at least the iOS version) you are able to draw images in-app and then send them as a message. It'd be cool if that...

Sometimes I keep the https://osu.ppy.sh/community/chat tab open to wait for a friend to come online. It'd be great if the browser tab title said "Friend・chat (1) | osu!" if I...
