> viewer块只有黑红绿三块怎麼解决阿,是和pcl版本有关么 请问您解决了吗
> I am getting the error when I play records on my jetson whereas when I play where else every thing is fine > > `[pcl::VoxelGrid::applyFilter] Invalid filter field name....
> The problem is related to GTSAM version 您好,我运行其他slam算法时出现了这个错误,所以这个错误是因为其他依赖库版本不兼容吗,期待您的回复
我在运行ORB_SLAM2时出现错误 [pcl::VoxelGrid::applyFilter] Invalid filter field name. Index is -1. 无法显示点云,请问我应该如何排查错误原因,网上没有相关错误的解决办法
sorry. I'm running ORB_SLAM2 but get the error [pcl::VoxelGrid::applyFilter] Invalid filter field name. Index is -1. The point cloud cannot be displayed, how should I troubleshoot the cause of the...
我找到了问题原因, 是由于电脑中同时存在多个版本的python, 所以需要将其他版本python删除掉, 重新运行make, 即可解决此问题 ps: 我重刷了系统, 在没有其他python版本的情况下重新进行编译,成功了
Did you solve that?
> Hi @Amer-Alhamvi Did you manage to solve it? Did you solve it? I have the same problem. The camera is zed2i