William Cheng

Results 466 comments of William Cheng

> This allows for more flexibility in how the api is implemented as one can use the openapi normalizer to modify the tags. Totally agreed with this one. We can...

there are some test failures. can you please take a look when you've time?

closed via https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/pull/18669

thanks for the PR. if no one else has further feedback on this change, I'll merge it over the weekend. have a nice weekend.

> In following file, when checking for parent model for composite schema, specify to use parentmodel.classname instead of parentmodel.name please file a PR with the suggested fix when you've time.

@mlebihan thanks for the PR. can you please pm me via slack when you've time to discuss this change? https://join.slack.com/t/openapi-generator/shared_invite/zt-12jxxd7p2-XUeQM~4pzsU9x~eGLQqX2g

merged https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/pull/18675 to enhance the samples, clean up, etc

in openapi normalizer, there's a rule called FILTER: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator/blob/master/docs/customization.md#openapi-normalizer is that what you're looking for?

i think the normalizer is also available to the online service if i'm not mistaken

thanks for the PR. would that break users who do not need the millisecond?