William Cheng

Results 466 comments of William Cheng

@bachmystoriesvn I've also started something. Can you please PM me via Slack when you've time? Thanks. https://join.slack.com/t/openapi-generator/shared_invite/zt-12jxxd7p2-XUeQM~4pzsU9x~eGLQqX2g

UPDATE: I've filed https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator/tree/ts-koa2-server as a starting point (it's far from perfect)

Can someone please share a spec to reproduce the issue? I tested with the one in https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/12777#issuecomment-1618731277 but the output remains the same with https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/pull/15284

That's sound reasonable. What about setting the operation index in the API classes instead (e.g. PetApi, UserApi ,StoreApi in the petstore example)? Or only add `operationIndex` if there are path...

https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/10639 is the related issue. There's a link to the PR implementing this feature.

Thanks for the feedback. I agree with you that ideally it shouldn't be added if it's not needed.

@ajrice6713 no worries. I'll try to come up with a fix before the v6.1.0 release. Can you please share your spec with me publicly or privately so that I can...

can you share a sample spec to reproduce the issue? ussually we escape the "reserved words" instead of using fully-qualified name.

as a workaorund, what about using model name mapping feature to map the classname to something else to workaround the issue for the time being? https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator/blob/master/docs/customization.md#name-mapping

@tien thanks again for the PR. > But I think for generated code, it's fine to use the fully qualified name We know some are ok with fully qualified name...