Will Heitman
Will Heitman
Each node should publish a [`DiagnosticStatus`](http://docs.ros.org/en/api/diagnostic_msgs/html/msg/DiagnosticStatus.html) message. A separate "watchdog" node should: 1. Aggregate these messages into a [`DiagnosticArray`](http://docs.ros.org/en/api/diagnostic_msgs/html/msg/DiagnosticArray.html) and publish this 2. Inspect each node's status and send an...
## Problem Current EPAS interface untouched since Demo 1 this summer. Likely in need of refinement or redo. ## Solution Refine or rewrite EPAS interface, possibly as part of new...
1. Process [Obstacle3DArray](https://github.com/Nova-UTD/navigator/blob/feature_carla_objects/src/msg/voltron_msgs/msg/Obstacle3DArray.msg) messages into [MarkerArray](http://docs.ros.org/en/api/visualization_msgs/html/msg/MarkerArray.html) messages. 2. Use visualiztion to confirm that sim_bridge_node is generating bounding box messages correctly
## Problem Currently, the car cannot generate paths in real time along our Demo 2 route. ## Solution Following verification in simulator (#209), load latest code onto Jetson and conduct...
1. Parse reference lines from HD map 2. Migrate existing code to use new ODR format 3. Tune existing code to work smoothly (in simulation)