Wenbin Guo

Results 20 issues of Wenbin Guo

Hi, I tried this tool; it takes ~53GB for the human genome and did not finish in 24 hours (not sure when will it finish), may I ask if the...

Hi, Thank you for maintaining this tool, would it be possible to enable users to set the title of the figure? For example, sometimes users would like to use GO_ID...

Dear PCAtools developer, thanks for maintaining this tool. I tried to assign a continuous variable to augment `colby` in function `biplot`, however, it looks like the color legend is discretized....

Hello, I tried to get this tool running but encounter an issue. The following are the code and error messages that I got: Code: `check_strandedness --gtf ref/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.93.gtf --transcripts ref/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.cdna.all.fa --reads_1...

Dear rGREAT developer, I am checking the local GREAT analysis function `great`, and found there is a `min_gene_set_size` option, I was wondering if we provide a `max_gene_set_size` to restrict the...

Hi, I was trying to run the GSEA function and got confused with its parameters `exponent`, which is documented as `weight of each step`. ``` GSEA( geneList, exponent = 1,...

Dear BitmapperBS developer, I installed the latest bitmapperBS (v1.0.2.3) by git clone the source code and make (GCC version 9.4.0), the installation works well, I can see bitmapperBS and psascan...

Dear ggbreak developer, Thanks for maintaining this package. While the current implementation mainly works with continues values, I was wondering if we could support for discrete axis break. For example,...

Dear ggpmisc developer, I was wondering if we could provide a option to show the exact p-values in scientific form for the very small p-values. For example when `p=0.000000001`, it's...


Hi, I was wondering if we could add a feature to color category and gene's label differently? Currently only the node's color is supported (see example code from the package),...