Wenbin Guo

Results 19 issues of Wenbin Guo

Dear ComplexHeatmap developer, First of all, thank you for developing/maintaining this wonderful tool! During my using this package, I found that discrete annotation legends are very useful to denote which...

Traceback (most recent call last): File "gitbook.py", line 5, in Gitbook2PDF(url).run() File "/mnt/c/Apps/Ubuntu/code/gitbook2pdf/gitbook2pdf/gitbook2pdf.py", line 198, in run loop.run_until_complete(self.crawl_main_content(content_urls)) File "/mnt/c/Apps/Ubuntu/apps/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/asyncio/base_events.py", line 616, in run_until_complete return future.result() File "/mnt/c/Apps/Ubuntu/code/gitbook2pdf/gitbook2pdf/gitbook2pdf.py", line 220,...

Hi, may I ask if **fasta** file can also be used as input besides **fastq** files? Also, sometimes it takes a lot of computing resources to redo the alignment. May...

Dear ggplot2 developer, I was browsing the official documentation of `geom_contour_filled` (https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/geom_contour.html), and wonder if it would be possible to add a `expand` parameter (similar to what we did in...

layers :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Dear `broom` maintainer, ## the problem I was runnning `lm` on a dataset with NA values, and found `augment` doesn't work with `na.action = na.exclude` ### code ``` df Error...


Dear Zuguang, Thanks for maintaining this package. I am interested in the color setting in ComplexHeatmap. For example, I would like to use the `brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdBu")`...

Dear ComplexHeatmap developer, Hope you are doing well. I found the parameter `heatmap_legend_side` only works in `draw(...)`, but not in `heatmap_legend_param=list(...)`. Would it be possible to integrate the `heatmap_legend_side` into...

Dear `multidplyr` developer, Thank you for maintaining this package, I was wondering where we could find a more detailed tutorial of this package besides the documentation page https://multidplyr.tidyverse.org/articles/multidplyr.html? For example,...

Dear metR developer, Thanks for maintaining this tool. I was trying to use `geom_text_contour` but found a small issue. Specifically, when I use ``` + geom_text_contour(aes(z = sd, label =...

Hi, thanks for maintaining this package I used the following code to generate a dendrogram (package version 1.0.7) ``` hcut_res = hcut(t(mat), k=3, stand = TRUE) k_colors = c("#E06666", "#BF9000",...