
Results 11 issues of 虚妄之诺

**Describe the bug** Dear all, How to generate Return value's name and type by using numpy Docstring Formats? Currently, It only generates Return value's TYPE. **Versions (please complete the following...


![图片](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23202109/69144867-46e04180-0b07-11ea-82d1-6ec6e68d1e25.png) Dear sir, it seems that ‘backend.tf.nn.swish(x)’ is not carried out forever.@qubvel **keras version:2.3.1 backend:tensorflow2.0-cpu**

问题: ``` min x1*x4*(x1 + x2 + x3) + x3 s.t. x1*x2*x3*x4>= 25, x1**2 + x2**2 + x3**2 + x4**2 = 40, 1

I have a trained neural network model developed using the tensorflow. It is a regression problem, where I am trying to predict an output variable using some 14 input variables...


## Summary ### Steps to reproduce the issue My code is: ``` # --*-coding:utf-8-*- from pyomo.environ import * m = ConcreteModel('test') m.x = Var(bounds=(-2000, 2000)) def myfun(x): return x**2 m.fun...


您好,请问一下,在`hdf5datasetgenerator`中,append是不是应该放在循环里面,如果放在外面的话,原始图像可能会没有参加训练,不知道我理解对不对?谢谢。 [https://github.com/lonePatient/Deep_Learning_For_Computer_Vision_With_Python/blob/master/chapter_10/dogs_vs_cats/pyimagesearch/io/hdf5datasetgenerator.py](url) ![aa](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23202109/71543010-d26fac80-29a8-11ea-9cc0-4b4a627cca0f.png)

**操作系统**:win11家庭版 **python版本**:Python 3.10.8 **安装过程报错内容如下**: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23202109/225807316-23c190b8-1300-4d58-83f0-3e19c4f7fbfb.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23202109/225807219-7729d1ab-d80f-47c2-b9b0-4dd43f1f72d8.png)

请问可以把VisualDL中的netron单独拿出来集成到自己的vue3项目中吗?我用[https://www.npmjs.com/package/@visualdl/netron?activeTab=versions](url)安装了netron后,在项目中使用时候,报如下错误: ``` 21:33:52 [vite] Pre-transform error: Failed to parse source for import analysis because the content contains invalid JS syntax. You may need to install appropriate plugins to handle the...

Dear sir, how to use this tool to build embeddable python3.10.6 on ubuntu? Could you give an example? Thanks.

help wanted