
Results 15 comments of 虚妄之诺

> 没开源。 界面用Python实现。 通讯使用进程间队列进行通行 请问将来PaddleX GUI会考虑开源吗?我想实现数据回归问题的模型训练,在当前版本的gui上好像没有这个选项,此外,模型选择方面,也没有办法加入自己定义的模型,都是关于图像之类用的模型,数据序列回归模型好像也没有。所以想在PaddleX GUI上做二次开发,但是不知道咋做。

>treat the model as an external function/blackbox. Dear sir, Thank for your reply. Is external function/blackbox mean `pyomo.core.expr.current.ExternalFunction`? If yes, could you give me an example about how to use...

> And I have this error. Where is it fixed? Dear sir, do you solve this issue?@AlexRMU

Dear sir, How to fix the below issue?@sinclairnick tensorflow version: 2.3 ``` Encountered error: """ using a `tf.Tensor` as a Python `bool` is not allowed in Graph execution. Use Eager...

