Opera Wang
Opera Wang
还是不行: root@weiw-e4200:/opt/bin/a# ./client_linux_mipsle.0322 --help NAME: kcptun - client(with SMUX) USAGE: client_linux_mipsle.0322 [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 20200322 COMMANDS: help, h Shows a list of commands or help for...
1.14 has one additional call nonblockingPipe() within netpollinit() compare with 1.13, the pipe() definition for mipsle was not verified.
> > > @wangvisual can you help run this build, with patch from [golang/go#37997](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/37997) > > [kcptun-linux-mipsle-20200324.tar.gz](https://github.com/xtaci/kcptun/files/4372823/kcptun-linux-mipsle-20200324.tar.gz) > > [kcptun-linux-mips-20200324.tar.gz](https://github.com/xtaci/kcptun/files/4372822/kcptun-linux-mips-20200324.tar.gz) 可以了,非常感谢。
> > > @xtaci > ~GOGC 怎么跟 nohup 命令配合? ~`nohup GOGC=10 /root/client_linux_amd64 -c /root/config.json >/dev/null 2>&1 &` ~我尝试这样的方式但是无法运行~~~ > > 用sh脚本套娃好了😂 nohup env GOGC=10 ...
[Feature] type为tree时,配置tooltip之后,当鼠标悬浮或者点击连接线时,无法触发tooltip,而且无法触发echarts实例的mousemove/mouseenter等回调函数
The request is for a 'tree', that 'tooltip' can be enabled on the line that connect two items.
Tested and it works, people suffer from the compatible issue after upgraded to Firefox 21+, please merge the change, Thanks.
Don't know if you can install this one: https://github.com/wangvisual/ldapinfo/blob/master/releases/ldapinfo-1.1-tb.xpi
The time issue is fixed by https://github.com/wangvisual/ldapinfo/commit/006333b923fe2b39f9195a9bbf56c16326b786cd It's still show at top left corner? should be in bottom right corner.