
Results 32 comments of waclaw66

I think this is already solved by language plugins within https://github.com/martinandert/pluralizers > > > I think the difficulty with this is the rules are very different per-language. > > `few`...

It's not, #200 uses Eval, this one divides it into two steps, Parse and Invoke with different parameter value. Parse of expression should be parameter value independent.

Nevertheless following should work, Parse should accept just name and type... ``` c# var target = new Interpreter(InterpreterOptions.Default | InterpreterOptions.LambdaExpressions); var list = new Parameter("list", new[] { 1, 2, 3...

Thanks for explanation, I can understand it. Fix of #200 makes lambdas usable with parameters, it's much better than without them. Current state disallows reuse of parsed lambdas only. I...

Still doesn't work... ``` pro 21 23:25:18 python[1303797]: [2021-12-21 23:25:18,394] [[email protected]] ::1 [21/Dec/2021:22:25:18 +0000] "PUT /transactions/8488?access_token=[redacted] HTTP/1.1" 200 159 "-" "Synapse/1.49.2" pro 21 23:25:18 python[1303797]: [2021-12-21 23:25:18,395] [[email protected]] Received Matrix...

The bridge creates POST request to `https://rupload.facebook.com/messenger_image/25a7ce430cb34efc166980f355313ddb6879190528795144713` with headers `{'x-fb-connection-quality': 'EXCELLENT', 'x-fb-connection-type': 'WIFI', 'user-agent': 'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 11; Pixel 3 Build/RQ3A.211001.001) [FBAN/Orca-Android;FBAV/341.;FBPN/com.facebook.orca;FBLC/en_US;FBBV/336996394;FBCR/Verizon;FBMF/Google;FBBD/google;FBDV/Pixel 3;FBSV/11;FBCA/arm64-v8a:null;FBDM/{density=2.75,width=1080,height=2028};FB_FW/1;]', 'x-tigon-is-retry': 'False', 'x-fb-http-engine': 'Liger', 'x-fb-client-ip': 'True',...

I face this issue everytime I try to send an image. You can send an image to a FB contact?

Forgot to mention, I'm using synapse_auto_compressor, there is no room specified. Therefore I don't know what's the origin of missing state group. If the database is corrupted, I'm looking for...

Unfortunatally it doesn't find any room with that state group :(

Same on my side... https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15554561/150768054-c90af980-9839-4854-9520-dca0682f82f6.mp4