
Results 32 comments of waclaw66

As a side bug you can see some event descriptions are localized according system settings (Czech), although application is set to English. Already reported [here](https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/issues/5246). Worth to mention that application...

Nevertheless `POST` returns `404` :/

The problem is missing authorization header within PUT request... `Authorization: Bearer access_token` https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24454163/how-to-insert-a-new-contact-using-google-carddav-api I was able to insert a new contact with this snippet... ``` bash #!/bin/bash data="BEGIN:VCARD\n VERSION:3.0\n PRODID:-//YouYou//Windows//EN\n...

Can confirm, the zero key causes problems.

> I tried to reproduce the problem with Google Chrome, I can enter the value without problem. > What browser are you using? Firefox

While testing it I've found another bug https://github.com/immich-app/immich/issues/8215

I think `object_id` is to blame, an example from mqtt integration diag data... ``` json "discovery_data": { "topic": "homeassistant/binary_sensor/122105103981011015010911311611695107116_0x00124b0021b7800d/connection_state/config", "payload": { "device": { "configuration_url": "", "hw_version": "zStack3x0 20230507", "identifiers": [...

How to fix it? `object_id` has to be unique across all z2m instances... https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/mqtt/#naming-of-mqtt-entities _If the object_id option is set, then this will be used to generate the entity_id. If,...

Adding friendly name doesn't help, the main problem is that z2m doesn't use `base_topic` for `object_id`, similary as for `unique_id` or `state_topic`, then two instances of z2m provide bridge state...

I'm not sure whether you understand the problem I'm trying to explain. Currently every z2m instance produces entities like `switch.zigbee2mqtt_bridge_permit_join` with the exactly same name. This fact makes usage of...