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Results 271 vue issues
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**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor...

### Version 2.5.8 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce Included in fiddle ### What is expected? Input type='number' should not clear values, accept stings formatted in different locales....


### What problem does this feature solve? v-model for components already supports .trim and .number. Lazy modifier support for components would make it more uniform across the platform. ### What...

feature request
has PR

| | Before Fix | After Fix | |---|---|---| | Issue | Fix #12232 | | Reproduction Link |,output |,output | Screenshot | ![07c1d1a2d9f45bbe4714417e951d86a]( | ![58e5456a8458ee88724aab0a8d54187]( | Issue...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

need repro

### Version 2.6.14 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce - nuxt: v2.15.18 - node: v16.14.0 ```html {{ "" }}Test ``` Important for me was it in this usecase...

### Version 2.6.10 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce 1. Configure one of the Adobe CEP [Sample Panels]( The [PProPanel]( is a good starting point as it has...

contribution welcome
browser quirks
has PR

### What problem does this feature solve? I just spent way too long debugging something really weird until I realized I accidentally wrote `:v-if` instead of `v-if`. A warning when...

contribution welcome
feature request
good first issue
has PR

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [X] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

need repro

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** - [ ] Bugfix - [x] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor - [ ] Build-related changes...