vue icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue copied to clipboard

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Results 271 vue issues
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**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor...

### Version 2.6.11 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce Click the 'Remove Multiple' or 'Remove First 2' buttons and observe the movement of the items. ### What is...


### Version 2.6.14 ### Browser MacOS, Chrome 96.0.4664.45 ### Reproduction link ### Steps to reproduce 1. Click the `Sign` button 2. Chrome DevTools - Memory - Take heap snapshot...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [x] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [x] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

### Version 2.6.14 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce create a Vue app using `vue create` either 2.x or 3.x doesnt matter, as long as it is with...

### What problem does this feature solve? Currently, and as far as I know, if we want to propagate an event fired by a child component to the parent (the...

feature request

### Version 2.6.10 ### Reproduction link []( Reproduction code at below: Javascript: ```js Vue.component('current-user', { data () { return { item: { user: { name: 'defualt name' } } }...


### What problem does this feature solve? In order for Module Federation to work correctly, it requires a bootstrap entry file that serves as an asynchronous boundary between the host...