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🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support

Results 60 pinia issues
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Close #2658 Fix: Return type of storeToRefs doesn't match runtime result if values are nested computed values #2658

### Reproduction ### Steps to reproduce the bug It happens if you accidentally created a nested computed values and use storeToRefs. ```ts export const testStore = defineStore('testStore', () =>...

contribution welcome

Will be updating this probably a few days earlier, will let you know when this is ready to be merged

Will be updating this probably a few days earlier, will let you know when this is ready to be merged

As discussed with @posva this is for displaying our conference promotional banner in may 2024.

### What problem is this solving Would be cool to have an Eslint plugin that provides best practices. E.g. With a setup store all variables need to be exported (according...

contribution welcome

### Reproduction ### Steps to reproduce the bug 1. `git clone` 2. `cd pinia-hmr-optional-attributes` 3. `npm install` 4. `npm run dev` 5. `xdg-open http://localhost:5173` 6. Press the "Increment"...


### Reproduction [old with vue 3.4.13]( [broken with 3.4.19]( ### Steps to reproduce the bug click button ### Expected behavior increment ### Actual behavior nothing happens ### Additional information Vue...

contribution welcome

### Reproduction Apparently, using exported pinia-stores from npm packages doesn't work as expected. There seems to be an issue with either the context pinia is running in (and conflicts with...

Update the Chinese docs