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🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support

Results 60 pinia issues
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### What problem is this solving I actually came up with this because it is a bit annoying to add storeToRefs to each store if you want to destructuring ###...

contribution welcome
feature request

### What problem is this solving We are currently using Vuex and are evaluating switching to Pinia. We have 10+ stores with different responsibility. Many of these stores use other...

feature request

### What problem is this solving Modifying deeply nested properties in the state. ### Proposed solution ```js // Object ...mapWritableState(useStore, { myCity: '', }) // Array ( outputs the latest...

feature request

This issue might be a duplicate of I'm trying to install Pinia via npm but get a > ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree error. ### Reproduction - OS:...

help wanted
contribution welcome

### Reproduction Thank you so much for such a great state managing lib for Vue. Pinia works well with Nuxt as well. However, when I tried to use it along...

contribution welcome
vue 2.x
β›° pkg:nuxt

These are the documentation sections I want to add or improve - [ ] Migrate to Vue.js theme - [x] Use a neutral font (#873) - [ ] Adapt instructions...

πŸ“š docs

In the example, I kind of dislike the fact that the component can directly call `cart.state.rawItems = [];`. Just because I think that can encourage people to modify state in...

feature request

in $subscribe ,I use `console` to print the mutations and states when the states change : ```javascript store.$subscribe((mutations, state) => { console.log('states change :', mutations, state); }); ``` it works...

has workaround

I have some code like this , it could output correctly when app first loaded or refresh ,but donβ€˜t work after HMR. ```javascript const pinia = createPinia(); pinia.use(({ store })...

✨ enhancement
HMR πŸ”₯

Add a toast message if store with current id already exists.