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🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support

Results 60 pinia issues
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Hi inspired by redux devtools and also this issue: I've decided to add more debug information to pinia devtools about the status of the state before and after given...

Scope: Pinia's Nuxt module This change adds the `autoImportDir` to the Nuxt module, to automatically import a user's "/stores" directory if it exists. This is a feature to help people...

⛰ pkg:nuxt

### Reproduction ### Steps to reproduce the bug Given the following code: ```typescript import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; import { createTestingPinia } from '@pinia/testing'; const useStore = defineStore('lol',...

✨ enhancement
has workaround
🧪 pkg:testing

when use `export default myPlugin`, it got a nuxt3 warning following ```bash [warn] [nuxt] You are using a plugin that has not been wrapped in `defineNuxtPlugin`. It is advised to...

📚 docs
⛰ pkg:nuxt

### What problem is this solving I'm trying to use pinia in a microfrontends architecture, and we are planing to use importmaps to solve duplication of bundling dependencies. So we're...

feature request

### Reproduction ### Steps to reproduce the bug Use `storeToRefs` on a setup store, containing special kinds of refs (see reproduction). The typings of the returned refs will be...

contribution welcome

### Reproduction ### Steps to reproduce the bug 1. Clone the reproduction repository. 2. Run `pnpm install` 3. Run `vitest --config vitest.unit-config.ts` ### Expected behavior The test should pass...

contribution welcome
🧪 pkg:testing
⛰ pkg:nuxt

Correct some ambiguities according to the English documentation.

`packages/docs/zh/core-concepts/` 更新翻译同步英文文档现版本,个人经验不足,72行需要一些review Update the docs/zh translation to latest. May need review at line 72 due to my experience. `packages/docs/core-concepts/` In the process of translating I found a bug, the line...