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Return type of storeToRefs doesn't match runtime result if values are nested computed values

Open henryliu-git opened this issue 1 month ago • 1 comments


Steps to reproduce the bug

It happens if you accidentally created a nested computed values and use storeToRefs.

export const testStore = defineStore('testStore', () => {
    const computedA = computed<string>(() => 'a');
    const accidentallyNestedComputedB = computed(() => computedA); // type is ComputedRef<ComputedRef<string>>

    return {

const store = testStore();

// ✅ computedA type is string
console.log('store.computedA', store.computedA);

// ✅ accidentallyNestedComputedB type is ComputedRef<string>
console.log('store.accidentallyNestedComputedB.value', store.accidentallyNestedComputedB.value);

// test storeToRefs
const refs = storeToRefs(store);

// ✅ computedA type is ComputedRef<string> 
console.log('refs.computedA.value', refs.computedA.value); 

// ❌ ts suggests accidentallyNestedComputedB type is ComputedRef<string> which is incorrect as the runtime result suggests 
// in fact it is actually a ComputedRef<ComputedRef<string>>.
console.log('refs.accidentallyNestedComputedB.value', refs.accidentallyNestedComputedB.value);

Expected behavior

type of store.accidentallyNestedComputedB.value is ComputedRef<ComputedRef>

Actual behavior

type of store.accidentallyNestedComputedB.value is ComputedRef which doesn't match runtime result.

Additional information

No response

henryliu-git avatar Apr 27 '24 16:04 henryliu-git

I added a PR to address this issue #2659

quiteeasy avatar Apr 29 '24 18:04 quiteeasy