
Results 7 issues of vpymerel

Hello, I am using hifiasm to assemble HiFI reads (Genome size ~ 600 Mb, fastq.gz ~ 6Go), Similarly to https://github.com/chhylp123/hifiasm/issues/69 I got a segmentation fault when "Writing reads to disk......

Hello, Thank you for the nice software, It is not really an issue, I just have a small question. Is there a difference between the file "*.asm.bp.p_utg.gfa" generated without the...

![salsa2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/98694826/190121501-92a7a3de-366c-4f44-991f-0cde88b77d50.png) Hello, Thank you for the tool ! I am trying to use salsa2 to scaffold my assembly (70X of HiC data), I performed mapping and processing following Arima pipeline...

Hello ! I am trying to use cactus (docker) to align ~10 insects genomes and I got the following error for job 'progressive_schedule' : ---[2022-10-30T02:45:26+0200] [Thread-1 (daddy)] [E] [toil.batchSystems.singleMachine] Got...

Hello, Thank you for the tool, Can you explain me what does the column nb_reduced_prot corresponds to in dir_step3/statistics_per_OG.txt please ? Thank you, V

Hello ! I have a question more than an issue, but maybe you can help me, I am annotating a dozen of arthropods assemblies from a same genus with braker3...

Hi, Thank you for the software, I have observed that for some genes some targets isoforms are absent for the orthology classification file, Have you already observed that ? Is...