Hello, Thank you for your answer, There is several To available on the disk I am using right now
Only one
The fastq.gz was 6Go, I can't tell you if *bin files were output in failed runS because I am using hifiasm inside a snakemake pipeline that remove output folder when...
Yes sure, Here it is: (BGIGI:0.216097,(((TGE_A:0.00174569,TGE_H20:0.0018409):0.00325768,TPA:0.00711254):0.0110921,(((TCM:0.00370156,TSI:0.00335399):0.00562986,(TDI:0.00349392,TPS:0.0069705):0.00518438):0.0073258,(TCE:0.0131574,TMS:0.00461954):0.00878047):0.00799635)TIMEMA:0.186162); --root TIMEMA Thank you !
Hello, First thank you very much for the software and continuous development. Just got really nice results using braker3, at least in terms of prediction of BUSCO genes, Second related...