Vladimir Ermakov

Results 268 comments of Vladimir Ermakov

Hi, Did you run checkid while mavros node running? Remote ids 0.200 and 51.x looks weird. Is it possible to configure system id on cleanflight?

The problem that 0 means a broadcast. Mavlink router might treat it incorrectly. But maybe worth to try set target_system=0.

I suppose just simple `docker exec -ti ros bash` and then use `apt install`?

https://github.com/mavlink/mavros/blob/ros2/mavros/README.md#installation You sure?

Looks strange, but maybe worth to try to add geographic_msgs to the workspace src.

Perhaps that's some ancient leftover or early RAW_IMU usage. Should be corrected to `MILLIG_TO_TESLA = 1e-7`. On today's code APM presents mgauss: - https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/533eb73622b11bc0d4841ae5268c05079bcb33dc/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_Common.cpp#L2098 - https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/533eb73622b11bc0d4841ae5268c05079bcb33dc/libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h#L158 As for use `publish_imu_data_raw`...

That sounds like something really nasty happening. I'm unsure if you can find old debs, so suppose to build from source.

Some signs that we have out-of-buffer kind of errors. Need to try run under vagrant.

Well, that's really unexpected to happen on UDP links. Could you try to run without gcs_url? And can you please try to use latest version built from source?

`!CRC` shows that message checksum doesn't match what we expect. That might be because of UART problems, or because message 30 definition differs from the one used by mavros. Quite...