
Results 26 comments of Vladislav

Hm.. Seems there are problems with reloading binary modules in Python itself. I'm not sure that approach from PR would work. https://bugs.python.org/issue1144263 Made such function to perform "force" reloading: https://pastebin.com/tfquvGd0...

@marechal-p , yes, I think so.

@marechal-p , > The GE code also fails at inspecting bound method function-likes, as well as custom-made callables in general (instances which class defines a __call__ method). Strange, I often...

I got it, thanks. What I thought, is it needed at all to pass controller to Python callable ? Is it faster than to call `bge.logic.getCurrentController ()` ?

Hello @PeterAlfredLee Sorry, don't have GitHub repo for this - it's a Mercurial project. Yep, Bitbucket disabled all Mercurial repositores some time ago. Here is a mirror: https://hg.sr.ht/~vlad0337187/herbalist-ui/log

@abn , could you please review this when you'll have time ?

Huuh, met same issue with MB-MC32G. Did anybody found possible solutions ?

Have similar issue, `Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon, Atom 1.58.0, apm 2.6.2`, but with `apm develop` command. Workaround: install with APM from .git, manually move to `~/.atom/dev/packages/`.

causes problem: - no action buttons like "import ... from ..." are present on error popups from linter / ts-server - were present before upgrading dependencies Error window without import...