
Results 26 comments of Vladislav

I wote for `:=`. I think, that `let`, `const` and other trash should be avoided. Language must be clean. And I hope, that this error at least will be fixed:...

@batiste , I think that this is only because you didn't used to it. I like way it was implemented in CaffeineScript: https://github.com/caffeine-suite/caffeine-script/wiki/Function-Invocation Also I'd like to sugges block comment...

@batiste, in CaffeineScript it's passing arguments to some function: a(b, c). If such happens, explicit specifying of parenthesis could help. Btw, in CaffeineScript there is also block function invocation, like:...

A little bit help needed =) I receive such error and cannot figure out why ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/vlad/my_projects/web/times_new_novel_asyncio/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aiosqlite/core.py", line 143, in run result = fn()...

@kszucs, of course, when you'll have free time. I'm not very familiar with MySQL, so I can't inspect how it's working. But seems, in query.py, result.py, etc. cursor is used...

@kszucs , yeah, I have little time now too. It doesn't burn, so it can be done whenever =)

@panzergame , are there any pre-built binaries for it ? I tried to compile it onw time, but failed )

Seems, it's still present in 0.2.4. But if to use workaround from description to this video - it works well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrKcUBaAwvU&feature=youtu.be

I thought about making `speed` variables, which depend on current frame rate. Framerate chages - `speed` changes according them.

@lordloki , @marechal-p , just checked with standalone player. All works as expected =)