When I curate an NDA form, the default fields in the designer seem to be coming from another instrument. Here are the fields from the form: And here are the...
Would it be possible to automatically hide the default none from the list of a radio button? It's good to have an option to include it, but we don't use...
After editing an instrument and saving it locally, it appears twice in my instruments list
I'm having some trouble dragging down a new question to the bottom of the instrument while scrolling with the mouse. As long as I'm scrolling with the mouse, the question...
Could we have a feature to automatically save your work when you close an instrument?
It would be great to be able to copy an existing question in an instrument to be able to use it as a template for a new question (both within...
It would be great if we could copy an existing instrument as a template and be able to create a new one based off of the same model!
After adding a checkbox field to an instrument and saving it, the instrument disappeared/ the instruments section was no longer accessible. Any ideas about why?
For a long instrument, I am sent back to the top of the page when I finish editing a question. I scroll to the bottom of a long instrument Open...
When creating a checkbox field, the name of the individual checkbox only appears if you enter information in a certain order. It works if you first enter it into the...