Vincent Chan

Results 37 comments of Vincent Chan

Could you apply this patch and try again? ``` diff --git a/frontend/scripts/docker-buildfiles/Dockerfile b/frontend/scripts/docker-buildfiles/Dockerfile index 54b79173..4cd281e8 100644 --- a/frontend/scripts/docker-buildfiles/Dockerfile +++ b/frontend/scripts/docker-buildfiles/Dockerfile @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ source $HOME/.cargo/env && \ cargo install...

I am starting to build the Flathub package. It's on the way. ✈️

@wharjack Sorry for the bad font rendering on Windows. Improving the font rendering on Windows should be taken into consideration ASAP. Actually, we are developing a new editor to replace...

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@Twilightssuperb Hello, the Clipboard of the Editor is not synced with Windows's clipboard. It's a known issue. Our new editor is under development. This problem will be solved in the...

@mbasso Any ideas with this PR? 😄

Great! Would you add some unit tests for the codes you committed in `Path.h`?

@Squareys I have been used std::filesystem's path class once, it's `path` will call system's API in path concatenation. Calling system's API is slow, it hurts the performance in benchmark. I...

Can you provide the versions of webpack and the plugin? And it would be better if you can provide a Github Repo which can trigger the error.

I've tried the example, the code does break. Actually, this plugin return right informations to webpack, but webpack generates unexpected code. I've tried to communicate with webpack team about this...